Photo by Sophie Jacobson


I write sweet, clean Christian romance novels that demonstrate the power of love and grace… and won’t make your grandmother blush ;)

My Own Personal Inspiration

My Own Personal Inspiration

Writing The Baby’s Christmas Blessing was fun because I got to relive a lot of precious memories as I wrote about the hero, Steve, and the newborn baby he’s raising as his own. In this post, I’m going to share a few of those sweet memories with you!

Here’s my sweet husband holding our firstborn for the first time. Isn’t the look on his face THE BEST???

Like the hero of my new book, though, my poor hubby soon learned that having a newborn baby in the house can be a little…tiring. 🤣🤣🤣

This little guy would only nap for TWENTY MINUTES unless I was holding him. He would also cry and cry and CRY if I tried to put him down.

I’m pretty sure this baby sling (aka Mobi Wrap) saved my sanity during those first few months!!! It saves the day for the hero of The Baby’s Christmas Blessing, too!

Here’s the moment my firstborn realized he was a big brother. Those little expressions on both of their faces crack me up every time I see this photo! I don’t think they were too sure of each other at first… 😅😅😅

By the time the littlest one came along, though, both big brothers were smitten! 😍

They’re all big boys now, and although they’re not quite ready to read my books yet, they were all super excited to see the cute baby on the cover of my new release! 📖💕

So there you have it! Some cute photos from when my kids were newborns! If you’d like to share a picture of your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, or fur babies, I’d love to see them! Just shoot me an email. 🥰

My Own Personal Hero 😍

My Own Personal Hero 😍